Supporting Workouts: Week of 9.23.24
Coaches Note: The weekly workouts are released on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Every week, it consists of three separate workouts: 1 swim workout and 2 biking or running workouts. The workouts are designed to be done in addition to the weekly structured BCT training and not in place of. When prioritizing the workouts, try to get in at least 1 of the bike/run workouts and 1 swim workout. If you don’t have access to the pool, then do both the bike/run workouts if possible! If you can only pick one of the workouts, pick the swim workout unless it is specifically called out to prioritize the bike/run one.
Swim Workout:
Warm up of:
150 swim, 150 kick
100 swim, 100 kick
50 swim, 50 kick (600 total), done at a comfortable pace.
Drill work with board
8 x 25, side lateral kick w/board, focus on breathing out underwater, and taking breath in when lifting head to breath.
8 x 25 one side stroke (left on way down pool, right on way back), holding the board out front. Focusing on keeping the elbow high and dropping the forearm underneath it.
3 x 150 (RPE of 7) w/ 30 seconds rest.
2 x 75 kick (RPE 9) rest 10 seconds after the first one, then one minute after the second.
Repeat the set three times.
Finish with:
Easy CD Swimming.
Bike/Run Workouts #1 & #2: This will be our last week with a 20 minute straight run, we’ll bump the time up to 30 minutes next week. For this final week, it’s three neuromuscular efforts.
Warm up with 5 transitions, start running w/the bike, mount the bike (flying mount or step over), take a few easy pedals, dismount the bike, and run 10 steps. Repeat 5x.
EASY jog at conversational pace - (RPE 3 out of 10) - for 20 minutes. At the 5, 10, and 15 minute mark, throw in a 20 seconds sprint (10 out of 10 effort) to get the neuromuscular system firing. Finish the run with five minutes of easy effort.